Reverend Nafisa’s In-Person Birthday Dance Class!

Countee Cullen/PS 194 244 W. 144th Street, NY, NY

  Hello My Beloveds! Come Celebrate My 66TH BIRTHDAY With Me at Countee Cullen/PS 194 in the 3rd floor gym - like old times - on Monday, January 22, 2024, 6:30pm-8:00pm. Arrival: 6:00pm.  Class is FREE and open to the entire community! Spread the word and get ready to dance like nobody's watching. See You On [...]


Dancing Into the Light: A Time Of Healing For Our World!

FREE! Suggested Donation: $20/Adults; $10/Children (10 and under). As we begin to wrap-up our extraordinary 20th Anniversary Retrospective year of programs and events, we excitedly invite you to join us for Dancing Into the Light: An Evening of Healing For Our World! our in-person traditional West African dance class that pays tribute to five of the [...]

Dancing Into the Light: An Evening of Healing For Our World!

El Barrio's Artspace 215 East 99th St. (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves.), New York, New York, United States

  El Barrio's Artspace 215 East 99th Street (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves.) New York, NY 10029 We warmly invite you to ioin us for Dancing Into the Light: An Evening of Healing For Our World! our in-person traditional West African dance class that pays tribute to five of the Holy-Days and Festivals of Light that [...]

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