Seasonal Cleanses

Seasonal Cleanses

Our Four Seasonal Cleanses

Join us for one or all four of our Seasonal Cleanses and experience a new YOU from the inside out. You will never be the same!

Every three months we honor the change of season and deepen our alignment to nature by celebrating the Spring/Fall Equinoxes and the Summer/Winter Solstices with a 9-Day Detoxification Cleanse.

The uniqueness of our Seasonal Cleanses is the Spirit, Mind, Body whole-body approach to clearing and releasing toxins from not only the physical body but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, as well.

This season we are offering the Independent Seasonal Cleanse Package below.

Independent Package/$125
This Cleanse is for the person who prefers to participate in the Seasonal Cleanse on his/her own and to move at their own pace.

Every Cleanse participant will receive a supply bag with a specific tincture for the season, a 10-day supply of herbs and nutrients to support the healing/elimination process, bath and beauty products for bathing and cleansing the body along with an extensive Handbook (all included in the fee) to guide them through every step of the Cleanse.

In addition to the Cleanse Handbook, support material will be available for purchase to assist Cleanse participants who wish to deepen their Cleanse experience.

Each season a two-hour Orientation will be held via Zoom for all participants to connect with the Cleanse community, declare their intention through prayer and meditation, and take part in an Opening Ritual to clear their path for a wonderful, successful and enjoyable Cleanse.

To further enhance the Cleanse experience Private Wholistic Practitioners will be available (at an additional cost) to offer their healing services in Reiki, Meditation, Colon Hydrotherapy, Massage, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Herbs.

Whether you choose to purchase a single Cleanse ($125) or all four Cleanses ($400) and save $100 our Cleanses are designed to assist you to heal from the inside out.

Join us for our Spring, Summer, Fall and/or Winter Seasonal Cleanse. You won’t be disappointed and you will never be the same!

Select the Seasonal Cleanse Links Below.

  • The Spring Equinox Cleanse focuses on the purification of our HEARTS/Fourth Chakra and the unworthiness, low self-esteem and self-destructive behavior that keep us from experiencing the Pure Love, Light, Peace, and Joy that we are!

  • The Summer Solstice Cleanse focuses on the purification of our LIVER/Third Chakra and the anger and rage that are stored in our liver and gall bladder.

  • The Fall Equinox Cleanse focuses on the purification of our BOWELS/Second Chakra and the unexpressed feelings of abandonment and rejection that are suppressed and buried there.

  • The Winter Solstice Cleanse focuses on the purification of our KIDNEYS/Seventh Chakra and the crippling fears that keep us from realizing our dreams and manifesting the life we long for.

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