Events for December 24, 2024 - December 3, 2023

Spring Equinox Cleanse

Healing the Holy of Holies of Your Heart: A Spring Equinox Cleanse. Friday, March 12th through Saturday, March 20th. Required Orientation: Sunday, March 7, 2021. Join us for our Spring Equinox Cleanse and immerse yourself in 9 days of purification and transformation as you discover and discard physical, emotional and spiritual energy that no longer serves [...]


Dancing Into Spring!

Countee Cullen/PS 194 244 W. 144th Street, NY, NY

Due to the coronavirus Dancing Into Spring is postponed until further notice. Dancing Into Spring! Wednesday, May 13th; Countee Cullen/PS 194, 6pm – 9pm. Come celebrate Dancing Into Spring with Reverend Nafisa Sharriff, Master Instructor of Traditional West African Folklore from the Old Malian Empire. Bring the entire family and participate in a FREE West [...]


Summer Solstice Cleanse

Required Online Orientation Via Zoom: Sunday, June 5th, 1pm - 5pm

From Fear to Freedom Focusing On Self Care While Navigating the New Normal In a blink of an eye everything we once knew has changed. What was once normal and comfortable shifted and we all were left with the task of learning different ways to navigate this "new normal" while caring for ourselves, our families [...]


Two Movement and Meditation Workshops

Due to the coronavirus my Movement and Meditation African Dance Retreat at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch in the Catskill Mountains has been re-designed and now will take place via Zoom! Join me for two wonderful workshops on Saturday, June 27th and Sunday, June 28th. Both workshops are from 12:00pm - 1:30pm and cost $20 [...]


Creating Sacred Space

Due to the coronavirus my Movement and Meditation African Dance Retreat at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch in the Catskill Mountains has been re-designed and now will take place via Zoom! Join me for two wonderful workshops on Saturday, June 27th and Sunday, June 28th. Both workshops are from 12:00pm - 1:30pm and cost $20 [...]


Dancing In the Park!

Instagram: @enteringtheholyofholies; Facebook:

Due to the coronavirus Dancing In the Park will be LIVE-STREAMED on Instgram and Facebook, simultaneously on Sunday, August 30th from 12:00pm - 2:00pm. To ensure the health and safety of all our loved ones PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE PARK but join Dancing In the Park from the comfort of your own home [...]

FREE! Donations Welcome!

Fall Equinox Cleanse

Required Online Orientation Via Zoom: Sunday, September 4 2020. 1pm – 5pm

Healing Our Anger and Rage: Focusing On Self-Care While Navigating the New Normal. Sunday, September 13th - Monday, September 21st.  Required Orientation: Sunday, September 6, 2020. 1pm – 5pm; Fee: $100 As the global coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold and transform our lives, and the world continues to erupt in deep seated hatred, anger and [...]


Fearless & Free Year-End Fundraiser!

Participation via Zoom

  Hello! And welcome to Entering the Holy of Holies, An Institute of Learning and Healing, Inc.'s, Fearless & Free Year-End Virtual Fundraiser! On Sunday, November 8th from 1:00pm-6:00pm we warmly invite you to join us for our virtual fundraiser featuring a Meditation/Breath/Chakra Workshop with Reverend Nafisa Sharriff, followed by three exciting and unique traditional [...]


Winter Solstice Cleanse

Required Online Orientation Via Zoom: Sunday, March 6th, 1pm – 5pm

Forgiving Abandonment and Rejection: Focusing On Self-Care While Navigating the New Normal. Sunday, December 13th – Monday, December 21st.  Required Orientation: Sunday, December 6, 2020. 1pm – 5pm; Fee: $100 As we approach the end of 2020 we also are approaching the end of an era. The unexpected illness, loss of life, quarantines, sheltering-in-place, new [...]


Dancing Into the Light

Countee Cullen/PS 194 244 W. 144th Street, NY, NY

Dancing Into the Light Wednesday, December 16, 2020; Countee Cullen/PS 194, 244 W. 144th Street, New York, NY 10030; 6:00pm - 9:00pm; FREE! Join us for  an amazing traditional West African dance class that celebrates five of the Holy-days and Festivals of Light: Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Three Kings Day and Diwali. Enjoy free food and [...]

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