Summer Solstice Cleanse: Heal Your Anger and Rage and Blossom Into the the Joy That You Are!

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Join us for our Summer Solstice Cleanse and immerse yourself in 9 days of purification and transformation as you discover and discard physical, emotional, and spiritual energy that no longer serve you. Throughout the Summer Solstice Cleanse we will purify our Liver & GallBladder which are associated with our Manipura or Third Chakra (Sanskrit for wheel), the energy center that is the home of your body’s Will Power or Personal Power and where the feelings of Anger and Rage reside.

The uniqueness of our Summer Solstice Cleanse is the Spirit, Mind, Body, Whole-Body approach to detoxifying and purifying not only your physical body but also your emotional and spiritual bodies, as well.

The Hallmark of all Entering the Holy of Holies Seasonal Cleanses is Meditation and Spiritual Tools For Transformation. Over the course of 9 days we will be eliminating our food intake until we are drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. But the real transformation will take place at the Emotional/Spiritual level.

If you value your whole body and are seeking to reset your Spirit, Mind and Body then our Summer Solstice Cleanse is perfect for YOU! Please be certain to supply ETHOH with your most current and up-to-date mailing address and phone number.

This season we are offering only the Independent Seasonal Cleanse package.

Independent Package/$125
This Seasonal Cleanse is for the person who prefers to participate at his/her own pace.

Everything you need for a wonderful and successful Summer Solstice Cleanse will be beautifully packaged and sent to you (except food!) prior to the orientation on Sunday, June 8, 2025. Each Supply Bag will contain a one ounce bottle of organic Liver Health Tincture, a 10-day supply of herbs and nutrients to support the healing/elimination process, bath and beauty products for bathing and cleansing the body along with an extensive Handbook (all included in the fee) to guide you through every step of the Cleanse. Please be certain to supply ETHOH with your most current and up-to-date mailing address and cell phone number.

In addition to the Cleanse Handbook, a Cleanse Workbook containing the 9 Daily Affirmations and Daily Emails will be available for purchase to assist each Cleanse participant who wishes to deepen their Cleanse experience.

And although the two-hour Orientation is now optional, it is highly recommended that all participants join the online Zoom Orientation on Sunday, June 8th, 1pm ~ 3pm to properly prepare themselves for the Cleanse.

To further support each participant’s healing process Private Wholistic Practitioners will be available (at an additional cost) to offer their healing services in Reiki, Meditation, Colon Hydrotherapy, Massage, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Herbal Consultations.

The Cleanse 9-Day Process
Every two days we will eliminate a different food group from our diet: meat, dairy, starches/carbohydrates and grain, until we are drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. On the final day of the Cleanse we will drink only the Master Cleanse (Spring/Alkaline Water, Cayenne Pepper, Lemon, and Grade B Maple Syrup) to flush the remaining toxins out our bodies.

Our Daily Schedule Will Consist of the Following:
*Organic Blend of Milk Thistle and Dandelion Extracts (3 times daily)
*1 Time-Released Probiotic Pill (morning)
*2 Gentle Herbal Laxative Pills (at night)
*Meditation (live or online)
*Yoga (live or online)
*Relaxing Baths


Seasonal Cleanse Testimonials!

 “I Loved It! This was the BEST thing I ever did for myself. I wish it was longer.”

“This was a life-changing experience. I’m glad I got to be part of an amazing journey.”

“Thank You for organizing and presenting an amazing Spiritual, Body, Mind cleansing opportunity.


Important Summer Solstice Cleanse Information

All Cleanse participants must be at least 18 years old.

Registration for the Cleanse will close on Friday, May 30, 2025 at 5pm.

Payments made for the Cleanse are Non-Refundable after Friday, May 30, 2025.


*PayPal and Shipping Fees are included.

Summer Solstice Cleanse
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