20th Anniversary Retrospective 3-Day Conference ~ Commemorative Souvenir Journal

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Place Your Ad In Our Souvenir Journal!

Join us in celebrating Entering the Holy of Holies’ 20th Anniversary Retrospective 3-Day Conference Annual Fundraiser By Placing Your Ad In Our Commemorative Souvenir Journal!   

Ad Sizes and Prices

  1. Back Cover (Full Page)
    • Size: 8.5 x 11 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $750
  2. Inside Front Cover (Full Page)
    • Size: 8.5 x 11 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $500
  3. Inside Back Cover (Full Page)
    • Size: 8.5 x 11 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $500
  4. Full Page
    • Size: 8.5 x 11 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $300
  5. Half Page (Horizontal)
    • Size: 8.5 x 5.5 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $200
  6. Quarter Page (Vertical)
    • Size: 4.25 x 5.5 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $125
  7. Eighth Page (Business Card Size)
    • Size: 4.25 x 2.75 (with 0.25″ bleed on all sides)
    • Price: $75

 Ad Submissions

We welcome Ad submissions related to Entering the Holy of Holies’ Spiritual, Cultural and Educational mission to help people Heal Their Hearts and Recreate Their Lives In Love by: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.

 Design Specifications

  • File Format: PDF, JPG, or PNG
  • Resolution: 300 DPI
  • Color Mode: CMYK

Custom Designs By ETHOH

  • ETHOH will Custom Design your Ad for an additional $125.

 Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline for Ad Submissions: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.
  • Submission Email: [email protected]
  • Payment Methods: Check, Money Order, PayPal
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 230144, New York, NY 10023

 Contact Information

For inquiries or further assistance please contact:

 Additional Information

  • All Ads must be submitted print-ready.
  • ETHOH reserves the right to reject any Ad that does not meet our standards or is deemed inappropriate.
  • Full payment is required at the time of Ad submission.

Thank You for your continued Love & Support! We look forward to celebrating with you at our 20th Anniversary Retrospective 3-Day Conference Annual Fundraiser!

Souvenir Journal Prices

*All Souvenir Pages Include A PayPal Service Fee


If you are unable to join us please make a tax-deductible donation to Entering the Holy of Holies, Inc. and help us raise $20,000 in honor of our 20th Anniversary. No donation is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Gift of Giving Donation


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